Smart Pump DERS Compliance
This website and the videos presented here are intended for the exclusive use of licensed healthcare professionals. The information and images shown in the videos are also intended for the exclusive use of licensed healthcare professionals only and must not be relied upon or interpreted to be in any manner medical or clinical advice.
- In this iConnect Webinar, Subuddhi Kulkarni, M.Pharm, MBA, RPh, Manager, Pharmacy Services at Humber River Hospital, discusses the key to quality assurance and patient safety in a large community hospital.
Session objectives include defining DERS and how it works, reviewing factors that affect smart pump drug library compliance, drug library compliance benchmarks and Humber River Hospital’s DERS journey.
Additional Resources...
- Listen to your Clinicians: Colecting User Input After Smart Pump Implementation to Drive Continuous Quality Improvement. Thunder Bay Health Sciences Centre
- Medication STAT! Krista Shea, London Health Sciences Centre
- Utility of Smart Pump infusion dosing limits to prevent intravenous (IV) medication errors, Windsor Regional Hospital