Implementation of Smart Infusion Pumps with Brittney McLaughlin
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- Join Baxter Canada and Brittney McLaughlin for this interesting podcast about the implementation of Smart Infusion pumps.
Brittney discusses the topic of infusion pumps, particularly the aspect related to the implementation process of these devices. What steps were taken to ensure the implementation was a success: who was involved, any committees created? What kind of preparation was made at the professional practice level to ensure the switch to the new pumps was successful? How long did the whole process take?
Additional Resources...
- Using Smart Pump Continuous Quality Improvement Data to Improve Outcomes and Cost Efficiency, Windsor Regional Hosital
- Smartpump Technology - Last but not least on the path to change, Southlake Regional Health Centre
- Utility of Smart Pump infusion dosing limits to prevent intravenous (IV) medication errors, Windsor Regional Hospital